Summary: "Contagious Why Things Catch On by Jonah Berger."

Chris Cedano
4 min readJun 28, 2023


In a world where attention is scarce and competition is fierce, understanding why specific ideas, products, or messages spread like wildfire while others fizzle out is paramount. In his book "Contagious: Why Things Catch On," marketing professor Jonah Berger reveals the secret ingredients that make ideas contagious. Join us on a captivating journey as we explore the contagiousness of ideas and learn how to harness their viral power to captivate audiences and achieve success.

Chapter 1:

Social Currency — Making People Feel Like Insiders In this chapter, Berger discusses the concept of social currency. People share things that make them look good, innovative, or excellent. You can make your ideas or products inherently shareable by creating a sense of exclusivity or providing insider knowledge. Discover how to use social currency to make your thoughts go viral and generate buzz around your brand.

Chapter 2:

Triggers — Tapping Into the Power of Associations Why do some ideas stick in our minds and become the first thing we think of when a specific situation arises? Triggers are the key. You can ensure people remember and talk about it more often by linking your product or idea to everyday triggers that evoke strong associations. Learn how to create powerful triggers that keep your brand top of your mind.

Chapter 3:

Emotion — Stirring Hearts and Minds Emotions play a significant role in shaping our behavior. Berger explains how high-arousal emotions like awe, anger, or excitement can increase the chances of an idea going viral. Discover how to evoke the right emotions in your audience, making your content more shareable and memorable.

Chapter 4:

Public — Harnessing the Power of Public Behavior People are likelier to engage with publicly visible ideas. In this chapter, Berger explores how making behavior more observable can make your ideas catch on. From word-of-mouth marketing to public displays of support, find out how to use the power of the public to your advantage.

Chapter 5:

Practical Value — Providing Useful Information Ideas with practical value is more likely to be shared. People naturally want to share something with others when something is helpful or solves a problem. Learn how to infuse your ideas with practical value, making them valuable and share-worthy.

Chapter 6:

Stories — Crafting Narratives that Stick Stories have been part of human culture since time immemorial, and they have a unique ability to captivate and persuade. Berger delves into the power of storytelling and explains how crafting compelling narratives can make your ideas contagious. Explore the art of storytelling and create stories that resonate deeply with your audience.

Chapter 7:

Applying the STEPPS Framework — A Contagious Success Formula In the final chapter, Berger brings it together, presenting the STEPPS framework: Social Currency, Triggers, Emotion, Public, Practical Value, and Stories. He illustrates how each element is crucial in making ideas contagious and provides practical advice on applying the framework to your marketing efforts.

"Contagious: Why Things Catch On" explores the science behind viral ideas. Berger's research and insights reveal how to make your ideas more contagious, increasing their chances of spreading and engaging your target audience. By incorporating social currency, triggers, emotion, public behavior, practical value, and compelling storytelling into your marketing strategy, you can unlock the potential for viral success. Get ready to unleash ideas' contagious power and watch your brand's influence spread like wildfire.

Chapter 8: Going Beyond Contagiousness — Sustaining Long-Term Success

In this bonus chapter, Berger takes the contagiousness concept further and explores how to sustain long-term success. He acknowledges that while going viral is exciting, it's equally important to maintain momentum and keep your audience engaged over time.

A. Building a Community: Berger emphasizes the significance of building a community around your brand or idea. By fostering a sense of belonging and creating opportunities for interaction, you can cultivate loyal followers who will continue to advocate for your brand long after the initial buzz.

B. Continuous Innovation: Stagnation leads to disinterest. Berger underscores the importance of continuously innovating and refreshing your offerings to keep your audience engaged. By staying ahead of the curve and adapting to changing trends, you can ensure your brand remains relevant and continues to catch attention.

C. Collaboration and Partnerships: The power of collaboration should not be underestimated. Berger discusses the benefits of forming strategic partnerships and alliances with other brands or influencers in your industry. By joining forces, you can leverage each other's audiences and tap into new networks, amplifying your reach and influence.

D. Listen and Respond: Understanding your audience is vital for sustaining long-term success. Berger emphasizes actively listening to your audience's feedback, preferences, and concerns. By responding to their needs and desires, you can build trust and loyalty, ensuring that your brand remains relevant and continues to resonate with your target market.

E. Measure and Adapt: Tracking and analyzing data is crucial for evaluating your efforts and making informed decisions. Berger emphasizes the importance of measuring the impact of your marketing campaigns, identifying what works and what doesn't, and adapting your strategies accordingly. This iterative process allows you to refine your approach and optimize your results.


"Contagious: Why Things Catch On" goes beyond mere virality, offering valuable insights on sustaining long-term success. By building a community, continuous innovation, collaboration, listening to your audience, and measuring and adapting, you can ensure that your brand remains influential and relevant in an ever-changing landscape. Berger's comprehensive framework provides the tools and knowledge to keep your ideas contagious, ultimately leading to lasting success in the digital age.

So, embark on this transformative journey, armed with the contagious power of ideas, and witness the remarkable impact it can have on your brand, your audience, and your future. Remember, with the right approach and understanding of what makes ideas catch on, you hold the key to unlocking endless possibilities and becoming a true force in your industry. Let the contagiousness begin!



Chris Cedano

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